Learn How to Become a Great Virtual Camp Host
HOST IT!: Virtual Camp Activities
In this session, participates will learn additional virtual camp activities and how to host those activities in Zoom. The host is the adult that is responsible for the “tech side” of the activity.
Talk through best practices for Zoom facilitation including Zoom logistics, managing group dynamics, and how to help staff
So, we’ve all had staff, counsleor and volunteer training for years. And you’re probably great at it.
But, what training is required for this new virtual world? What are the different roles to run an effective virtual event? What role does a meeting Host play? What role does a meeting Facilitor play?Just as important as knowng the platform technology is knowing how to run a great virtual event for your campers.
In just a few minutes of internet searching you can find a tremendous wealth of information about how to run a great business meeting, meeting etiquette, best practices, etc. But, how do you translate that into a camper-oriented virtual camp experience?
Join Jack and Klee. They will share their program about how to train great meeting Hosts.