Membership Dues must be paid by January 31, 2025
Membership Dues, Payment & Deadlines, Affiliates, and Benefits
• Dues– Payment is submitted via credit card or check. All checks are made payable to the Children’s Oncology Camping Association, International and are mailed to 1 Canal St, Unit 1214, Boston, MA 02114. For new members, please email a copy of the Membership Application to
• Payment & Deadlines– Recurring members will be emailed an invoice via PayPal at the end of each year (December) and due January 31st the following year. New member may also receive an invoice via email. Upon application approval, new members will be sent an invoice via email.
A member in good standing should pay no later than March 1st, in order to have access to all the benefits of membership. If there are new members who wish to join mid-year (Sept. 1) dues will be pro-rated, (based on tier payment) for the following 4 months of the year with the understanding this new member will be invoiced in December for full membership dues to be paid by January 1st the following year.
• Affiliates– Camps with Affiliates/multiple locations pay $100 each in addition to the Camps Membership Fee because these Camps are eligible for grants through their COCA membership. Affiliates do not have voting rights, only Member Camps.
• Benefits
1. Professional Education:
- Â Access to year round professional education through webinars and virtual town halls. This
professional education assists members in planning, developing programs and staying up on
the most up to date medical facts and information within pediatric oncology. - Â By attending the annual conference, members have access to at least 50 hours of education
within the following tracks:
i.   Leadership/Operations
ii.  Child Development
iii.  Staff Development
iv.  Programs
v.  Fundraising
vi.  Medical Continuing Education (CEU credits)
vii. COCAcademy-two days of immersive education on a particular topic and with a specific group of professional speakers -  Gold Ribbon Accreditation Program- COCA has written best practices for pediatric oncology Camp
programs and has an opportunity for their Camp to become Accredited within COCA. - Access to Resources & Grants- COCA members have access to learn more and partner with likeminded organizations who seek to work with and support programs for kids with cancer.
- Networking & Community- COCA has developed a community of support within the member
camps to learn from, hear what other Camps are able to accomplish, challenges and opportunities
they have.
2025 COCA Member Benefits
2025 COCA Member Benefits:
- $25,250 from COCA Partner, Northwestern Mutual for Best of COCA Awards:
• Camp Spirit Awards for each Region (8 Regions) $1,500.00 each
• One Spirit of COCA Award ($5,000.00)
• $750 Per Camp-For each Best of COCA Award (total 11 awards) -  Access to Care Camps Foundation Grants. Care Camps Foundation is COCA’s largest Partner.
-  Gold Ribbon “Best Practices” Accreditation Program, supported by COCA Partner, Care Camps Foundation
- Â Online Learning Center- Our Professional Development Learning Center currently has over 12 virtual education courses with certificates of completion
- Staff Training Summit- 3 hours of education hosted each year by a different camping professional
- Online training course for our Gold Ribbon Accreditation Program camps and visitors
- Â 2025 COCAcon:
- Will be held in Orlando, Florida at the Wyndham Bonnet Creek Resort Orlando, November 13-15, 2025.
- Â Over 60 hours of educational content within Tracks: Fundraising, Programming, Operations/Leadership, Staff Development, Child Development, Medical and COCAcademy.
- Medical Contact Hours Track at Annual Conference (Over 10 hours). Contact Hours are credited from Virginia Nurses Association.
- Â COCAcademy-two days of immersive learning with internationally known Camp professionals at COCAcon.
- Karen McAndrew COCAcon Travel Scholarships totaling $10,000, supported by COCA Partner, Care Camps Foundation.
- Â Free Conference Registration for One Winner of the Bead Game that is held at COCAcon each year
- Â Multiple opportunities to network and connect with other pediatric oncology camping professionals through the education provided in regional conferences.
Why Join COCA?
Network & Connect
COCA provides excellent opportunities through the annual conference and town halls to share, learn and network with other members to strengthen each individual member camp and organization.
Education & Learning
Through COCA’s virtual education, expert advice from leaders in the pediatric oncology camping industry, assist members to deliver quality programming for children with cancer and their families.
COCA’s Gold Ribbon Accreditation program provides camping and medical professionals suggested guidelines and standards that can improve programming, staff training, risk management strategies and medical policies to benefit a safe overall camp experience for kids with cancer and their families.
Learn More
View our COCA Member Benefit Packet to learn more about how joining COCA can help your organization and to view our Membership Tier Pricing.