The Importance of COCA Branding

Building your camp brand is all about building credibility — COCA can help! When you include the COCA logo and a short description of our mission, you give your camp a boost and show your supporters and camp families that you’re part of oncology camping on an international scale. That makes you look good!

Plus it enhances your camp’s mission by helping website visitors who are outside your service area find a camp program that is local to them. Then everyone – you, us, and kids with cancer – benefits. Its a win, win, win!


COCA Brand Standards

Please carefully review the COCA Brand Standards Guide which specifies the use of the COCA brand, colors, and typography. Whenever you use the COCA brand for collateral materials, web sites, posters, etc., please submit a copy of your work to for approval.



If you have a white background, please download the Primary Mark.

If you have a dark background, please download the Color Reverse Primary Mark.