Camp Application for Gold Ribbon Accreditation Visit
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This program is proudly sponsored by Care Camps Foundation and would not be possible without their support.

Camp Director's Name
This number will be used for visit contact purposes and to send codes to authenticate your login for Portal access to upload documents and add comments/questions for the visitors.
Is your Camp Director different than your Gold Ribbon Contact?
Alternate Gold Ribbon Contact
This could be a second contact for day of visit or assisting with document upload to the Portal.
This number will be used for visit contact purposes and to authenticate your login for Portal access to upload documents and add comments/questions for the visitors.
Location of Camp Visit
Is this camp currently Gold Ribbon recognized?
Do you own or rent the camp site facility?
Is your camp facility accredited by:
Are your camp programs accredited by:
At our camp session(s), the populations served may include:
Type of camp:

Please list the 2025 camp session dates in which you are willing to have a visit. (Please only put dates where patients are attending, and do not put check-in or check-out dates.)

Once a date is determined based on visitor availability, the date will be confirmed with the camp before it is confirmed with the potential visitors. Please put the first date for session one that is an option for visitors in the "Session 1 Begin Date" section. The "Session 1 End Date" section is for the last available date of your first session. Please be advised that any dates that fall in between the two listed dates will be considered unless otherwise noted.
Would You Like to Add Another Session?
Is there a dress code for visitors?
Does your camp have internet service?

Visitor Travel and Lodging

Can the camp provide visitors lodging?
COCA is trying to be mindful of expenses for visitors and hopes to save money for Care Camps Foundation for these visits.
Can the camp provide visitors transportation to and from the airport?
(ie-vaccinations, health screening, etc.)

Mandatory Training

Mandatory Training will be a course on our Professional Development Learning Center, followed by an optional Q&A Zoom.

Mandatory Training will include understanding what documentation is needed to meet each Standard and important deadlines.

COCA Gold Ribbon Visit Camp Agreement

As the contact person on the day of the visit I agree to the following:
Participate in the MANDATORY camp training course:
Upload my camps policies to the COCA Gold Ribbon Portal by the stated deadline:
Recognize that failure to comply with the above items may result in forfiture and cancellation of scheduled Gold Ribbon visit:
Clear Signature
Use your mouse or finger to sign in the box.