A COCA Camp Visitor is a camping professional who will visit a COCAI member camp to review camping policies based on the COCA Best Practice Operation Standards. Please click here for Camp Visitor Requirements.


Gold Ribbon Medical Visitor Application
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This number will be used for visit contact purposes and to send codes to authenticate your login for Portal access to view the camp's documents.
Health Care Professional License
Do You Have at Least 3 Years Experience in Pediatric Oncology Camping?

Visitor Training

MANDATORY virtual Visitor training is to be determined. We hope to offer training through our Professional Development Learning Center for our 2025 Program.

Are You Willing to Commit to a Minimum of One Camp Visit for the Next 3 Summers?
Are You Available to Travel to More than One Camp this Summer?


Your travel expenses as a Gold Ribbon Visitor will be reimbursed. Please read, date and sign the Travel Re-Imbursement Policy below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In an effort to save COCAI considerable expense, we request this year for all the Camps to provide the visitors lodging and transportation to and from the Camp and airport. Since most of you will be flying in, we have requested the camp to provide you bedding and a pillow. Please bring your own towels. (You may be housed in a cabin/room with other volunteer or paid staff while staying at Camp.)

As a visitor within the COCAI Gold Ribbon program, recognize there is a large amount of expense with the travel involved. Therefore, I will:

  • Book my airfare, lodging and rental car at least ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE OF MY GOLD RIBBON VISIT. I realize in order to do this; I must communicate early with the Camp Director of the Camp I am visiting.
  • Try my best to keep my expenses below $1,000.00. If at any time it appears that expenses will exceed this amount, I will immediately contact COCA.
  • Retain my receipts for food, lodging, transportation (rental car or mileage) and complete the COCA Expense Worksheet. I will attach ALL receipts to the COCA Expense Worksheet.
  • Submit my expenses to COCA for reimbursement within two weeks of my visit.
  • Once COCAI has received all expenses, we will reimburse the traveler within 7 business days.


  • Make reservations far enough in advance to obtain the best fares (minimum of four weeks when possible). In looking for best fares, alternative airports will be considered. All air travel will be reimbursed at coach class airfare.
  • Communicate early with the visiting Camp and ask them to provide Airport transportation to and from Camp.
  • Agree to the goal of spending $500 or less on airfare per trip, when practical.


  • Use rental cars for out of town trips.
  • Agree the cost of a rental car must not exceed the roundtrip coach class airfare to the destination.
  • Fill up the gas tank before the rental car is returned.
  • Agree to the goal of spending $60 or less a day on car rental, when practical.


  • Mileage begins at the home of the visitor and must exceed 40 miles per day for mileage reimbursement.
  • Agree and understand that mileage reimbursement will be maxed at the current IRS established rate, which is $ 0.58/mile per visit. This rate will be updated when suggested by the IRS.


  • The Camp is required to provide lodging for the Gold Ribbon visitors.
  • If lodging is not available, ask for the Camps recommendation for suitable, reasonably priced lodging.
  • Research hotel rates for best value for the geographic location.
  • Agree to the goal of spending less than $150/night on lodging and understand hotel services such as movies or dry cleaning, etc. are not included.


  • Agree to the goal of spending up to $55/day or less for meals and incidental expenses.
  • Provide list of people who were dining with me.
  • Understand alcohol is not typically a reimbursable expense.

I have read the Gold Ribbon travel reimbursement policy above and I agree to this policy. I understand I must provide receipts for each expense. If I choose to spend over the required monetary limits stated above ($1,000), I will personally be responsible to cover the cost, unless previously approved by COCAI staff.

By selecting the checkbox below, I verify that I have read, understood, and agree to comply with the above travel expenses guidelines:

Do you agree to the expense policy terms and conditions?