We are planning to provide all presentations in person this year in Spokane. Please note, some sessions will be recorded and provided on a new online learning center..

Each session is allocated 60 minutes, which includes the presentation, any discussion, wrap-up and Q&A. The format is up to the speaker. Some of the best audience engagement over time has shown a presentation format similar to:

In Person Presentation

Initial Speaker Presentation

  • The speaker will give a 20-30 minute presentation.
  • Topics for Discussion: The speaker will present the attendees with 2-3 questions/ topic ideas.
  • Sub Group Discussions: Small groups may assemble in the session space or another area of the hotel for discussion of the Speaker topics, 10-15 minutes.
  • Group Discussion and Q&A: To wrap up the session, the group will come back together, share discussions and the speaker will answer questions.
  • Your proposal can be any format you prefer….. a single speaker, multiple speakers, panel discussion, round table, etc. You choose the best way to communicate your message. Our camps are awesome, and everyday extraordinary things happen. Share your insights, experiences with the COCA community.


  • Please complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk.
  • Please select multiple times/dates you can be available for your presentation. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.



COCAcon Speaker Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
What type session will this be?
Permission to Record Session
Would you like to register a co-presenter?
Is Your Primary Affiliation with a Camp or Another Organization?
Would you be willing to offer this session twice?
Presentation Format
Length of Session
Preferred Room Set-up
(The Hotel will do their best to accommodate room set up)
A/V Needs
Target Audiences
(Check all that apply)
Presentation Tracks
(Please Check One or More as Applicable)
Participant Level

Schedule Your Session

There are multiple speaker time slots available each day. ALL SESSIONS WILL BE SCHEDULED IN PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (PST).

Your preferred speaking times will be taken into consideration, but are not guaranteed. Speaking submissions will be handled on a first come, first serve basis to try and limit content overlap in time slots. If you have a definite time/day in which you cannot present, please contact Callie@cocai.org. Please select the most convenient times for you to speak by selecting a time of day.

If any of the dates and times are flexible for you, just leave the checkboxes blank.

Please check one or more
Session Day/Time
(optionally, you can upload a bio file below)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(doc, docx, pdf or zip) Please keep each bio to under 150 words. To upload multiple biographies, please collect all onto one document and upload it.
There is a 50 MB size limit on uploads. If your file size exceeds this, please contact us for other arrangements.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf or zip) If presentation is unavailable at this time, please send it to Callie@cocai.org no later than October 29th.
There is a 50 MB size limit on uploads. Arrangements will be available to upload your presentation from a thumbdrive when you register at conference.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(jpg, jpeg, png, pdf or zip) If you have spoken in the past, please note we have picture on record. Please upload an updated picture only if you prefer that we use a different photo. This photo will be used in the Conference Program and the mobile app. If you cannot upload a photo today, please send a photo to Callie@cocai.org no later than September 1st for CEU speakers and September 15th for General Speakers. If you don’t have a “headshot, we can crop any photograph – even from a group of people.
There is a 50 MB size limit on uploads. If your file size exceeds this, please contact us for other arrangements.