All COCA Camps being visited in 2022, are required to prepare ALL written documentation in a digital format so they can be uploaded to the Gold Ribbon Portal and reviewed in advance of your onsite visit next summer.



All camps should create and use cloud file storage (dropbox, google drive, box, etc.) to organize ALL written documentation related to accreditation standards.

The other key to great organization is highlighting, tagging, or marking specific elements of your written documentation to make it easy for the visitor team to find your compliance demonstration.



One of the objectives of having written documentation is that it provides consistency and makes your policies, procedures, and practices easier to disseminate. If only the director or coordinator of your written documentation has access to it, how can you ensure that your entire camp community embraces and implements the standards? Having documents that you can share quickly and easily in a digital format allows greater exposure and access to all the work you put into aligning with the Gold Ribbon Accreditation Standards.

Paper copies are more likely to be accidentally thrown away, are harder to recreate if it is the only version that exists, can be damaged or destroyed between uses, or disappear in leadership transitions. Having your documents in cloud file storage allows you to share the folder with other key staff/team members, so they are less likely to be lost or destroyed year to year.

Gaining feedback from visitors on your written documentation is one of the fundamental learning opportunities in the accreditation process. When documents are in cloud file storage space, they can be easily shared directly with visitors and/or in the online Gold Ribbon Portal.



If you realize during this process you need to create a written policy or written procedure for a practice that is for a specific Standard, but you are not sure where or how to start, COCA has a Standards Resource Library. This Library contains sample policies from COCA Camps who are Gold Ribbon Accredited. Once you log into the Gold Ribbon Online Portal, these resources can be found on the bottom left of each Standards page. Again, make sure your created policies or procedures are realistic and have been practiced in the field.